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Motorcycle Trials Schools in Hertfordshire


If you are interested in motorcycle trials or would like to give it a try then you have come to the right place!

This website is all about 'Grass Roots' motorcycle trials riding, whether you are already taking part in Observed Motorcycle Trials or are looking to get in to the sport, there is something for everyone here. From learning the basics with our video tutorials or taking part in your first event, right through to buying advice and the best kit to buy - our aim is to give you the heads up on everything trials - and we will even throw in a bit for you Enduro/Green Laners out there too!

motorcycle trials schools at trailworld in hertfordshire. Learn to ride an off road motorcycle or a trials bike

This site is currently under development and if you are reading this then we have done our jobs by getting it up high in the search engines! The current plan is to launch the site in full in May 2010 - although you are more than welcome to keep visiting us to see the progress!

If you are a trials supplier and have found us, then you will already know that placing an advert on here will be very beneficial! We will be carrying out product tests and reviews and will strongy feature companies and individuals that are supporting the sport. If you would like to know more about appearing on this website then please feel free to contact us on 01582 842244 or email us by clicking here - advertising rates start from as little as £50 for 6 months!

Over the coming weeks we will be adding sections for the newcomer and answering such questions as 'What is Observed Motorcycle Trials and how does it work'. We will also be featuring dealers such as Haven Trialsport, suppliers like Apico and products from a wide array of manufacturers.

Finally, if you would like to contribute and be a part of this website then give us a call - all contributions are welcome - our vision is for this website to become the No.1 Online Motorcycle Trials Website! Of course the forum is the place to be if you want to chat with other Trials and Enduro folk.


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